Get Linkedin connections for free

How to get a Linkedin connection for free ?

Posted by Admin on March 03, 2023

Follow this step and you can get as many connection you want for free :

Notice: This only works for computers

  • Step 1: First copy the script from ( or Copy from below.
  • Step 2: Just open linkedin ( and login your account
  • Step 3: Get go to connection section of linkedin
  • Step 4: Then, press ctr + shift + i
  • Step 5: After that a dialogue box will appear. In the top dialogue box, you can see console, just click on it
  • Step 6: Then paste the script which you have copied

Trust & Security

This method will not harm your account. It is trusted, free to use and we don't take date from you.


Please use this method for education and for fun we don't. we don't encourage the illegale activated
Thank You